MATH 6337 - Real Analysis I  -  Fall 2024

 1. Lecturer: Doron Lubinsky

Tuesday, Thursday, in Skiles 257, from 09:30 to 10:45. The first lecture is on Tuesday 20 August. Attendance is not mandatory, but will facilitate understanding. Handwritten notes for each lecture will be posted after classes. All lectures will be recorded using Zoom and the recordings will be available in Canvas. A Zoom link will be sent to all students before classes start.

Consulting Times/Office Hours: Tuesday, Thursday in Skiles 237A from 12:00 to 13:00, in person or via Zoom.
Please prepare your questions before joining.
2. Contact Details
Following are the office locations, phone numbers, and e-mail addresses:
Doron Lubinsky,
Skiles 237A

 3. Lecture notes and Lecture Schedule
The typed notes from which I prepare lectures are available in the folder "Typed Notes" in "Files" in Canvas. They are not a replacement for the textbook. Handwritten lectures will be posted in a folder "Handwritten Lectures" in "Files" in Canvas, after each lecture. Video recordings of lectures will be placed in "Media Gallery".

4. Textbook
Measure and Integral, An Introduction to Real Analysis, 2nd edition, by R.L. Wheeden and A. Zygmund, CRC Press, Taylor and Francis, 2015. You can also use the out of print first edition.  You can purchase the older first edition online for about 20 dollars. The newer second edition is an expanded edition of the first, and contains the text from the first edition, together with more exercises.

5. Tests/ Homeworks and Grading Policy

There will be two midterm tests, six homeworks, and a final exam. Tests will be in person, in class. Homework questions will be placed in Gradescope. All homeworks should be uploaded to Gradescope as a single PDF, not as multiple PDF's with individual pages.

Tentative homework due dates (they may be changed if circumstances require this):
Homework 1:  Tuesday 3 September at 11:00pm
Homework 2:  Tuesday 24 September at 11:00pm
Homework 3:  Thursday 10 October at 11:00pm
Homework 4:  Thursday 31 October at 11:00pm
Homework 5:  Thursday 14 November at 11:00pm
Homework 6:  Tuesday 26 November at 11:00pm

Tentative dates of tests:
Test 1: Thursday 19 September, during class
Test 2: Thursday 7 November, during class

Makeup tests will only be given when students have valid medical certificates or letters of attendance for approved students events.
The final exam is on Monday December 9, from 8:00-10:50am in Skiles257.

The items are weighted as follows:
Two tests:  40% (20% each)
Written homework:  35%
Final Exam: 25%

All grades will be posted on Canvas

A score of 90 or above will guarantee an A, 80 or above a B, 70 or above a C, 60 or above a D. However, there might be adjustments to allow slightly lower grades to be awarded one of these letter grades.

6. Honor Code

Please review the Georgia Tech Honor Code.

7. Piazza
The Piazza link for this course is