(These are papers for which I have PDF files, in reverse order. They are not necessarily the final form. As you know copyright restrictions do not allow galleys or reprints to be placed on websites)

Paper 298. Estimates for Orthonormal Polynomials for Polynomially Weighted Measures (E. Levin, D. Lubinsky, submitted)

Paper 297. Random Muntz Polynomials (D. Lubinsky, I. Pritsker, submitted)

Paper 296. Variational Conditions on Extremal Orthonormal Polynomials for Restricted Measures, to appear in Applied and Numerical Harmonic Analysis volume dedicated to Ed Saff's 80th birthday.

Paper 295. More on Distribution of Eigenvalues of Smooth Toeplitz Matrices, to appear in Pure and Applied Functional Analysis.

Paper 294. Real Roots of Random Orthogonal Polynomials with Exponential Weights (Yen Do, D. Lubinsky, Hoi Nguyen, Oanh Nguyen, I. Pritsker)

Paper 293. A Survey of Erdos-Szekeres Products, to appear in Geometry and Nonconvex Approximation (Springer)

Paper 292. Bounds on Orthonormal Polynomials for Restricted Measures, to appear in Constructive Approximation.

Paper 291. The effect of two exterior masspoints on bounds for orthogonal polynomials,
(in)  Mathematical Analysis, Optimization, Approximation and Applications (P. Pardalos, T.M. Rassias, eds.), pages 575-595, World Scientific, New Jersey, 2025.

Paper 290. On Local Limits for Orthogonal Polynomials (Eli Levin and D. Lubinsky), (in) Exploring Mathematical Analysis, Approximation Theory and Optimization,
(eds. N. Daras, MT Rassias et al), Springer, 2024, pp. 171-198.

Paper 289. Asymptotics of Orthogonal Polynomials and Separation of Their Zeros (Eli Levin and D. Lubinsky), Journal of Approximation Theory, 281-282(2022), 105804.

Paper 288. Variance of Real Zeros of Random Orthogonal Polynomials for Varying and Exponential Weights (D. Lubinsky and I. Pritsker), Electronic Journal of Probability, 27(2020), art. no. 83, 1-27.

Paper 287. On Average Growth of Erdos- Szekeres Polynomials (C. Billsborough, S. Gold, E.Linder, D. Lubinsky, Jiahui Yu) , Acta Math. Hungarica, 106(2022), 179-204.

Paper 286. Some Biorthogonal Polynomials arising in Numerical Analysis and Approximation Theory (D. Lubinsky and A. Sidi), J. Comp. Appl. Math., 403(2022)113842.

Paper 285. On Zeros, Bounds, and Asymptotics for Orthogonal Polynomials on the Unit Circle,
Math. Sbornik., 213(2022), 31-49.

Paper 284. The Effect of Adding Endpoint Masspoints on Bounds for Orthogonal Polynomials, Dolomites Research Notes on Approximation, 14(2021), 42-55.

Paper 283. Orthogonal Dirichlet Polynomials,  in "Approximation and Computation in Science and Engineering", Springer Optimization and its Applications, Vol. 180 (eds. N. Daras, T.M. Rassias), Springer, Switzerland 2022, pp. 573-588. 

 Paper 282. Bounds on Orthogonal Polynomials and Separation of Their Zeros (Eli Levin and Doron Lubinsky), Journal of Spectral Theory, 12(2022), 497-513.

Paper 281. On Lower Bounds for Erdos-Szekeres Polynomials (C. Billsborough, M. Freedman, S. Hart, G. Kowalsky, D. Lubinsky, A. Pomeranz, A. Sammel), Proceedings of the Amer. Math. Soc. , 149(2021), 4233-4246.

Paper 280. Variance of Real Zeros of Random Orthogonal Polynomials (D. Lubinsky and I. Pritsker), Journal of Mathematical Analysis and Applications, 498(2021), 124954, 32 pages.

Paper 279. On Baker's Patchwork Conjecture for Diagonal Pade Approximants, Constructive Approximation,  53(2021), 545-567.

Paper 278. On Eigenvalue Distribution of Varying Hankel and Toeplitz Matrices with Entries of Power Growth or Decay (G. Kowalsky and D. Lubinsky), (in) Approximation Theory XVI, eds G Fasshauer et al, Springer, Switzerland, 2021, pp. 153-170.

Paper 277. Local Limits for Orthogonal Polynomials for Varying Weights via Universality (Eli Levin and Doron Lubinsky), Journal of Approximation Theory, 254(2020), 105394.

Paper 276. Orthogonal Dirichlet Polynomials with Constant Weight, Applicable Analysis and Discrete Mathematics, 13(2019), 697-710.

Paper 275. A Note on Orthogonal Dirichlet Polynomials with Rational Weights, Dolomites Research Notes on Approximation, 12(2019), 10-15.

 Paper 274. Local Asymptotics for Orthonormal Polynomials on the Unit Circle Via Universality, Journal d'Analyse Math, 141(2020), 285-304.

Correction to Lemma 4.2(a) and 4.3(d) in paper 274, published in Journal d'Analyse Math, 144(2021), 397-400.

Paper 273. On Marcinkiewicz-Zygmund Inequalities at Hermite Zeros and their Airy Function Cousins, (in) Trigonometric Sums and Their Applications (eds. A. Raigorodskii, M. Rassias), Springer, Zurich, pp. 119-146.

Paper 272.
Local Asymptotics for Orthonormal Polynomials in the Interior of the Support via Universality, Proceedings of the Amer. Math. Soc., 147(2019),  3877-3886.

Paper 271. Pointwise Asymptotics for Orthonormal Polynomials at the Endpoints of the Interval via Universality, International Maths Research Notices, 2020(2020), 961-982,

Paper 270. Distribution of Eigenvalues of Toeplitz Matrices with Smooth Entries, Linear Algebra and its Applications, 633(2022), 332-365.

Paper 269. The Spurious Side of Diagonal Multipoint PadéApproximation, (in) Topics in Classical and Modern Analysis, in memory of Y. Hu (eds. M. Abell et al), Birkhauser, Basel, 2019, pp. 241-259.

Paper 268. On Uniform Convergence of Diagonal Multipoint Padé Approximants For Entire Functions, Constructive Approximation, 49(2019), 149-174.

Paper 267. Exact Interpolation, Spurious Poles, and Uniform Convergence of Multipoint
Padé Approximants, Sbornik Mathematics (Russian), 209(2018), 150-167, English version: 209(2018) 432-448.

Paper 266. Scaling Limits of Polynomials and Entire Functions of Exponential Type, (in) Approximation Theory XV (eds. G.E. Fasshauer, L.L. Schumaker), Springer, New York, 2017, pp. 219-238.

Paper 265. Mean Convergence of Interpolation at Zeros of Airy Functions, (in) Contemporary Computational Mathematics - A Celebration of the 80th Birthday of Ian Sloan, Vol. 2, (eds. J. Dick, F.Y. Kuo, H. Wozniakowski), Springer International, Switzerland, 2018, pp. 889-909.

 Paper 264. An Update on Local Universality Limits for Correlation Functions Generated by Unitary Ensembles, SIGMA, 12(2016), 078, 36 pages.

Paper 263. Simultaneous Gaussian Quadrature for Angelesco Systems (Doron Lubinsky and Walter Van Assche), Jaen Journal on Approximation, 8(2016), 113-149.

Paper 262. On Marcinkiewicz-Zygmund Inequalities at Jacobi Zeros and Their Bessel Function Cousins,
Contemporary Mathematics, 699(2017), 223-245.

Paper 261. Sobolev Orthogonal Polynomials on the Unit Ball via Outward Normal Derivatives (A.M. Delgado, L. Fernandez, D. Lubinsky, T. E. Perez, M. A. Pinar), Journal Math Analysis and Applns, 440(2016), 716-740.

Paper 260. On an asymptotic equality for reproducing kernels and sums of squares of orthonormal polynomials (Aleks Ignjatovic, D. Lubinsky), (in) Progress in Approximation Theory and Applicable Complex Analysis (In Memory of QI Rahman), eds. N. Govil, R. Mohapatra, M. Qazi, G. Schmeisser,
Springer, Berlin, 2017, pp. 129-144.

Paper 259. Gaussian Fluctuations of Eigenvalues of Random Hermitian Matrices Associated with Fixed and Varying Weights, Random Matrices: Theory and Applications, 5(2016), No.3, 1650009, 31 pages,

Paper 258. Quadrature Identities for Interlacing and Orthogonal Polynomials, Proceedings of the Amer. Math. Soc, 144(2016), 4819-4829.

Paper 257. Universality in Measure in the Bulk for Varying Weights (Eli Levin, Doron Lubinsky), Michigan Mathematical Journal, 65(2016), 833-854.

Paper 256.
Expected Number of Real Zeros for Random Orthogonal Polynomials (D. Lubinsky, I. Pritsker, X.Xie) Math. Proc. Cambridge Philosophical Society, 164(2018), 47-66.

Paper 255. Ed Saff at Three Score and Ten, Contemporary Mathematics, 661(2016), 1-27.

Paper 254. Expected Number of Real Zeros for Random Linear Combinations of Orthogonal Polynomials (D. Lubinsky, I. Pritsker, X.Xie),  Proceedings of the Amer. Math. Soc., 144(2016), 1631-1642. 

Paper 253. Scaling Limits for Mixed Kernels, Constructive Approximation, 43(2016), 311-336.

Paper 252. Orthogonal Dirichlet Polynomials with Laguerre Weight, Journal of Approximation Theory, 194(2015), 146-156.

Paper 251.
 Asymptotic Behavior of Nikolskii Constants for Polynomials on the Unit Circle (Eli Levin, Doron Lubinsky), Computational Methods and Function Theory, 15(2015), 459-468.

Paper 250. Weighted Markov-Bernstein Inequalities for Entire Functions of Exponential Type, Publications de L'Institut Mathematique, 96(110)(2014), 181-192.

Paper 249.  Universality Limits Involving Orthogonal Polynomials on a Smooth Closed Contour, (Eli Levin, Doron Lubinsky), Contemporary Mathematics
, 667(2016), 187-197.

Paper 248. Asymptotic Zero Distribution of Biorthogonal Polynomials, (Doron Lubinsky, Avram Sidi, Herbert Stahl),
 Journal of Approximation Theory, 190(2015), 26-49.

Paper 247. Uniform Mean Value Estimates and Discrete Hilbert Inequalties via Orthogonal Dirichlet Series,
 Acta Math Hungarica, 143(2014), 422-438.

Paper 246. Orthogonal Dirichlet Polynomials with Arctan Density, in Journal of Approximation Theory, 177(2014), 43-56.

Paper 245. On Sharp Constants in Marcinkiewicz-Zygmund and Plancherel-Polya Inequalities, Proceedings of the American Math. Soc., 142(2014), 3575-3584

142 (2014), 3575-358
142 (2014), 3575-3584

Paper 244. Discrete Circular Beta Ensembles, Random Matrices: Theory and Applications, 2(2013), no. 3, 1350004, 20 pp.

Paper 243. Reflections on the Baker-Gammel-Wills (Pade) Conjecture, (in) Analytic Number Theory, Approximation Theory, and Special Functions (G. Milovanovic, M. Rassias, eds.) , Springer, NY, 2014, pp. 561-571.

Paper 242. Universality Limits Involving Orthogonal Polynomials on Arcs of the Unit Circle (D. Lubinsky and V. Nguyen),
Computational Methods and Function Theory, 13(2013), 91-106.

Paper 241. Lp Christoffel Functions, Lp Universality, and Paley-Wiener Spaces (Eli Levin and Doron Lubinsky), Journal d'Analyse Mathematique, 125(2015),243-283.

Paper 240. Christoffel Functions and Universality on the Boundary of the Ball (Andras Kroo and Doron Lubinsky), Acta Math. Hungarica, 140(2013), 117-133.

Paper 239. Christoffel Functions and Universality in the Bulk for Multivariate Orthogonal Polynomials (Andras Kroo and Doron Lubinsky), Canadian Journal of Mathematics, 65(2013), 600-620.

Paper 238. Universality Limits via "old style" analysis, in "Random Matrix Theory, Interacting Particle Systems, and Integrable Systems" (eds. P. Deift and P. Forrester), MSRI proceedings Vol. 65, Cambridge University Press, New York, 2014, pp. 277-292.

Paper 237. Discrete Beta Ensembles Based on Gauss Type Quadratures,Contemporary Mathematics, 578(2012), 143-163 (Proceedings of OPSFA 11)

Paper 236. A Variational Principle for Correlation Functions for Unitary Ensembles, with Applications, Analysis and PDE, 6(2013), 109-130.

Unfortunately there are misprints in the published version, that are my fault. Their corrections are listed here.

Paper 235. How Poles of Orthogonal Rational Functions affect Their Christoffel Functions (Karl Deckers and Doron Lubinsky), Journal of Approximation Theory, 164(2012), 1184-1199.

Paper 234. Bulk Universality Holds Pointwise in the Mean, for Compactly Supported Measures, Michigan Mathematical Journal, 61(2012), 631-649.

Paper 233. Polynomials Biorthogonal to Dilations of Measures, and Their Asymptotics (Avram Sidi and Doron Lubinsky), Journal of Mathematical Analysis and Applications, 397(2013), 91-108.

Paper 232. The Degree of Shape Preserving Weighted Polynomial Approximation (Dany Leviatan and D.S. Lubinsky)
, Journal of Approximation Theory, 164(2012), 218-228.

Paper 231. Christoffel Functions and Universality Limits for Orthogonal Rational Functions (Karl Deckers and Doron Lubinsky), Analysis and Applications,3(2012), 271-294.

Paper 230. Averages of Ratios of Christoffel Functions for Compactly Supported Measures, East Journal of Approximations, 17(2011), 159-170.

Paper 229.  The Size of the Set of mu-Irregular Points of a Measure mu (Eli Levin and Doron Lubinsky), Acta Math Hungarica, 133(2011), 242-250.

Paper 228. Old and New Geronimus Type Identities for Real Orthogonal Polynomials, Jaen Journal of Approximation Theory, 2(2010), 289-301.  

Paper 227. New Integral Identities for Orthogonal Polynomial on the Real Line, Proceedings of the American Mathematical Society, 139 (2011) 1743-1750.

Paper 226. On Christoffel Functions and related Quantities for Compactly Supported Measures, (in) Approximation Theory XIII: San Antonio 2010,(eds. M. Neamtu and L. Schumaker), Springer, NY, 2011, pp. 207-220.

Paper 225. Bulk Universality Holds in Measure for Compactly  Supported  Measures, Journal d"Analyse Math, 116(2012), 219-253.

Paper 224. A Maximal Function Approach to Christoffel Functions and Nevai's Operators, Constructive Approximation, 34(2011), 357-369.

Paper 223. An Operator Associated with de Branges Spaces and Universality Limits, Contemporary Mathematics, 538(2011), 213-229. 

Paper 222.  Universality in the Bulk holds close to Given Points, Journal of Approximation Theory, 163(2011),  904-922.
Paper 221. Applications of New Geronimus Type Identities for Real Orthogonal Polynomials, Proc. Amer. Math. Soc. 138 (2010), 2125-2134. 

 Paper 220. Orthogonal Polynomials and Pade Approximants for reciprocal Polynomial Weights, Journal of Approximation Theory, 162(2010), 298-302.

Paper 219. Universality Type Limits for Bergman Orthogonal Polynomials, Computational Methods and Function Theory, 10(2010), 135-154.

Paper 218. Some Equivalent formulations of Universality Limits in the Bulk, (Eli Levin and Doron Lubinsky), Contemporary Mathematics, 507(2010),  177-188.

Paper 217. Positive Interpolatory Quadrature Generated by Biorthogonal Polynomials (D Lubinsky and A. Sidi), Mathematics of Computation, 270(2010), 845-855

Paper 216. Some Recent Methods for Establishing Universality Limits, Journal of Nonlinear Analysis, 71(2009), e2750-e2765.

Paper 215. Universality Limits for Random Matrices and de Branges Spaces of Entire Functions, Journal of Functional Analysis, 256(2009), 3688-3729.

Paper 214. Explicit Orthogonal Polynomials for Reciprocal Polynomial Weights in (-infinity,infinity), Proc. Amer. Math. Soc.137 (2009), 2317-2327. 

Paper 213. On the Airy Reproducing Kernel, and associated Sampling Series and Quadrature Formula (Eli Levin and Doron Lubinsky), Integral Equations and Operator Theory, 63(2009), 427-438.

Paper 212.Universality at the Soft Edge of the Spectrum via Classical Complex Analysis (Eli Levin and Doron S. Lubinsky), International Maths Research Notices (2010)  doi: 10.1093/imrn/rnq185 , 13(2011), 3006-3070.

Paper 211. Universality Limits at the Hard Edge of the Spectrum for Measures with Compact Support, 
International Mathematics Research Notices 2008 (2008): rnn099-39.

Paper 210. Universality Limits in the bulk for varying measures (Eli Levin and Doron Lubinsky), Advances in Mathematics, 219(2008), 743-779. 

Paper 209. Mutually Regular Measures have Similar Universality Limits, (in) Proceedings of  Twelfth Texas Conference on Approximation Theory, (eds. M. Neamtu and L. Schumaker), Nashboro Press, Nashville, 2008, pp. 256-269. 

Paper 208. Universality Limits in the Bulk for Arbitrary Measures on a Compact Set, Journal d'Analyse Math., 106(2008), 373-394.

Paper 207. Universality Limits Involving Orthogonal Polynomials on the Unit Circle (Eli Levin and Doron S Lubinsky), Computational Methods and Function Theory, 7(2007), 543-561.

Paper 206. Applications of Universality Limits to Zeros and Reproducing Kernels of Orthogonal Polynomials (Eli Levin and D.S. Lubinsky), Journal of Approximation Theory, 150(2008), 69-95.

Paper 205. Universality Limits for Exponential Weights (Eli Levin and D.S. Lubinsky), Constructive Approximation, 29(2009), 247-275.

Paper 204.
 Zero Distribution of Composite Polynomials, and Polynomials biorthogonal to Exponentials (D.S. Lubinsky and A. Sidi), Constructive Approximation, 28(2008), 343-371.

Paper 203. 
Biorthogonal Polynomials and Numerical Integration formulas for infinite intervals (A. Sidi and D.S. Lubinsky), Journal of Numerical Analysis, Industrial and Applied Mathematics, 2(2007), 209-226.

Paper 202. A New Approach to Universality at the Edge of the Spectrum, Contemporary Mathematics (60th birthday of Percy Deift), 458(2008), 281-290.

Paper 201. Asymptotics of Derivatives of Orthogonal Polynomials on the Real Line (Eli Levin and D.S. Lubinsky), Acta Math. Hungar., 118(2008), 115-127.

Paper 200. A Survey of Weighted Polynomial Approximation with Exponential Weights, Surveys on Approximation Theory, 3(2007), 1-105.

Paper 199. A New Approach to Universality Limits Involving Orthogonal Polynomials, Annals of Mathematics, 170(2009), 915-939.

Paper 198. Which Weights on R admit Lp Jackson Theorems?, Rocky Mountain Journal of Mathematics, 39(2009), 165-192.

Paper 197. Orthogonal Polynomials for Weights Close to Indeterminacy, (Eli Levin and D.S. Lubinsky), Journal of Approximation Theory, 147(2007), 129-168.

Paper 196. Best Approximating Entire Functions to |x|^alpha in L2, (Michael Ganzburg and D.S. Lubinsky), Contemporary Mathematics, 455(2008), 93-107.

Paper 195. Asymptotics of Derivatives of Orthogonal Polynomials on the Unit Circle, Journal of Approximation Theory, 145(2007), 122-127.

Paper 194. On Recurrence Coefficients for Rapidly Decreasing Exponential Weights, (Eli Levin and D.S. Lubinsky), Journal of Approximation Theory, 144(2007), 260-281.

Paper 193. Zero Distribution of Muntz Extremal Polynomials in Lp{0,1], (D.S. Lubinsky and Ed Saff), Proceedings of the Amer. Math. Soc, 135(2007), 427-435.

Paper 192. On the Bernstein Constants of Polynomial Approximation, Constructive Approximation, 25(2007), 303-366.

Paper 191. Which Weights on R admit Jackson Theorems?, Israel Journal of Mathematics, 155(2006), 253-280.

Paper 190.  Large Sieve Inequalities and the Mahler Measure of the Fekete Polynomials, (Tamas Erdelyi and D.S. Lubinsky), Journal of the Canadian Mathematical Society, 59(2007), 730-741. 

Paper 189. Weights whose Biorthogonal Polynomials admit a Rodrigues Formula (Doron Lubinsky and Ioana Soran), Journal of Mathematical Analysis and Applications, 324(2006), 805-819.

Paper 188. Bernstein's Weighted Approximation on R still has Problems, ETNA, 25(2006), 166-177.

Paper 187. Jackson and Bernstein Theorems for the Weight exp(-|x|) on R, Israel Journal of Mathematics, 153(2006), 193-220..

Paper 186. Series Representations for Best Approximating Entire Functions of Exponential Type, (in) Wavelets and Splines - Athens 2005 (G. Chen and M.J. Lai, eds.), Nashboro Press, 2006, pp. 355-364.
Paper 185. Orthogonal Polynomials for Exponential Weights x^(2 rho)exp(-2Q(x)) on [0,d), II, (Eli Levin and D.S. Lubinsky), Journal of Approximation Theory, 139(2006), 107-143.

Paper 184. Condition Numbers of Hankel Matrices for Exponential Weights, Journal of Mathematical Analysis and Applications, 314(2006), 266-285.

Paper 183. Orthogonal Polynomials for exponential Weights x^2 rho exp(-2Q(x)) on [0,d), (Eli Levin and D.S. Lubinsky), Journal of Approximation Theory, 134(2005), 199-256.

Paper 182. Asymptotics for Sobolev Orthogonal Polynomials for Exponential Weights, (J.S. Geronimo, D.S. Lubinsky, and F. Marcellan), Constructive Approximation, 22(2005), 309-346.

Paper 181. Some Explicit Biorthogonal Polynomials (D.S. Lubinsky and H. Stahl), (IN) Approximation Theory XI, (C.K. Chui, M. Neamtu, L. Schumaker, eds.),  Nashboro Press, Nashville, 2005, pp. 279-285.

Paper 180. Marcinkiewicz-Zygmund Inequalities for all Arcs of the Circle, (C.K. Kobindarajah and D.S. Lubinsky), (IN) Advances in Constructive Approximation, (M. Neamtu and E.B. Saff, eds.), Nashboro Press, Nashville, 2004, pp. 291-298.

Paper 179. Orthogonal Polynomials for Exponential Weights x^2rho exp(-2Q(x)), (Eli Levin and D. S. Lubinsky), (IN) Advances in Constructive Approximation, (M. Neamtu and E.B. Saff, eds.), Nashboro Press, Nashville, 2004, pp. 291-298.

Paper 178. Towards a Representation of the Bernstein Constant, (IN) Advances in Constructive Approximation, (M. Neamtu and E.B. Saff, eds.), Nashboro Press, Nashville, 2004, pp. 325-332.

Paper 177. A Hilbert Transform Representation of the Error in Lagrange Interpolation, (D. Kubayi and D.S. Lubinsky), J. Approx. Theory, 129(2004).

Paper 176. Smallest Eigenvalues of Hankel Matrices for Exponential Weights, (Y. Chen and D.S. Lubinsky), Journal of Mathematical Analysis and Applications, 293(2004), 476-495.

Paper 175. Best Approximation and Interpolation of (1+ax^2)^-1 and its Transforms, Journal of Approximation Theory, 125(2003), 106-115.

Paper174. Asymptotics for Entropy Integrals Associated with Exponential Weights, (Eli Levin and D. S. Lubinsky), Journal of Computational and Applied Mathematics, 156(2003), 265-283.

Paper 173. Quadrature Sums and Lagrange Interpolation for General Exponential Weights, (D. Kubayi and D.S. Lubinsky), Journal of Computational and Applied Mathematics, 151(2003), 383-414.

Paper 172. Rogers -Ramanujan and the Baker-Gammel-Wills (Pade) Conjecture, Annals of Math, 157(2003), 847-889

Paper 171. On Weighted Mean Convergence of Lagrange Interpolation for General Arrays, Journal of Approximation Theory, 118(2002), 153-162.         

Paper 170. Curious q-Series as Counterexamples in Pade Approximation, (in) Advanced Problems in Constructive Approximation (eds. M.D. Buhmann and D.H. Mache), ISNM Vol. 142, Birkhauser, Basel, 2002, pp. 109-128.

Paper 169. A Taste of Erdos on Interpolation, (in) Paul Erdos and his Mathematics, L. Bolyai Society Math. Studies II, Bolyai Society, Budapest, 2000, pp. 423-454.

Paper 168. Some Polynomial Problems Arising from Pade Approximation,
Rendiconti del Circolo Matematico di Palermo, Series II, Suppl. 68(2002), 49-63.

Paper 167. (C,1) Means of Orthonormal Expansions for Exponential Weights (DS Lubinsky and HP Mashele), J. Comp. Appl. Maths.,  145(2002), 343-368.

Paper 166.  L_p Markov-Bernstein Inequalities on All Arcs of the Circle (C.K. Kobindarajah and D.S. Lubinsky,  Journalof Approximation Theory, 116(2002), 343-368.

Paper 165. On Mean Convergence of Trigonometric Interpolants, and Their Unit Circle Analogues, for General Arrays, Analysis, 22(2002), 97-107.

Paper 164. Converse Quadrature Sum Inequalities for Freud Weights II (D.S. Lubinsky and G. Mastroianni), Acta Math.
Hungar., 96(2002), 147-168.

Paper 163. Mathematica Evidence that Ramanujan kills Baker-Gammel-Wills, (A. Knopfmacher and D.S. Lubinsky), Applied Mathematics and Computation, 128(2002), 289-302.

Paper 162. Weighted Maximum over Minimum Modulus of Polynomials, applied to Ray Sequences of Pade Approximations, Constructive Approximation, 18(2002), 285-308.

Paper 161. Green Equilibrium Measures and Representations of an External Field (Eli Levin and DS Lubinsky), Journal of Approximation Theory, 113(2001), 298-323.

Paper 160. Convergence vs. Correspondence for Sequences of Rational Functions, (L. Lorentzen and D.S. Lubinsky), Indagationes Mathematicae, 12(2001), 213-219.

Paper 159. Sharp estimates for the Maximum over Minimum Modulus of Rational Functions, Proc. Amer. Math. Soc., 129(2001), 3519-3529.

Paper 158. Large Sieve Estimates on the Arcs of a Circle (Leonid Golinskii, DS Lubinsky and Paul Nevai), Journal of Number Theory, 91(2001), 206-229.

Paper 157. John Knopfmacher, A Mathematical Biography, Quaestiones Mathematicae, 24(2001), p. 262

Paper 156. Diagonal Pade Sequences for Functions Meromorphic in the Unit Ball Approximate Well Near 0, (in) Trends in Approximation Theory, (eds. K. Kopotun, T. Lyche, M. Nematu), Vanderbilt  University Press, Nashville, 2001, pp. 297-305 (DVI File).

Paper 155. Lp Markov-Bernstein Inequalities on Arcs of the Circle, J. Approx. Theory, 108(2001), 1-17.

Paper 152. On Mean Convergence of Lagrange Interpolation for General Arrays, J. Approx. Theory, 104(2000), 220-225.

Paper 148. Convergence of Product Integration Rules for Weights on the Whole Real Line II, in Hammerlin Memorial Volume (ed. R.P. Agarwal), World Scientific, Singapore, 1999, pp. 201-215.

Paper 147. On Converse Marcinkiewicz-Zygmund Inequalities in Lp,p > 1, Constr. Approx., 15(1999), 577-610.

Paper 146. Asymptotics Associated with Exponential Weights, (A.L. Levin and D.S. Lubinsky), International Maths Research Notices, 12(1999), 673-683.

Paper 145. The Size of (q;q)nfor q on theUnit Circle, Journal of Number Theory, 76(1999), 217-247.

Paper 142.  On Boundedness of Lagrange Interpolation in Lp, p < 1, Journal of Approximation Theory, 96(1999), 399-404.

Paper 141. Small Values of Polynomials and Potentials with Lp Normalization, Proc. Amer. Math. Soc., 127(1999), 529-536.           

Paper 137. Marcinkiewicz-ZygmundInequalities: Methods and Results, in Recent Progress in Inequalities (ed. G.V.Milovanovic et al.), KluwerAcademic Publishers, Dordrecht, 1998, pp. 213-240.